性命双修在现代人生活方式的意义和价值Use it! Don't lose it! Basic Tantric Practis


### 身心健康的平衡
1. **身体健康**:现代人常常因工作和生活压力忽视身体健康,导致各种疾病和亚健康状态。性命双修强调身体的锻炼和保养,通过适度的运动、合理的饮食和科学的生活习惯来增强体质,预防疾病。
2. **心灵健康**:现代社会的竞争和压力容易导致心理问题,如焦虑、抑郁等。性命双修注重心性的修养,通过冥想、气功、太极等方法,帮助人们放松心情、调整情绪,增强心理韧性。
### 提高生活质量
1. **压力管理**:现代人生活节奏快,压力大。性命双修中的冥想和呼吸练习可以帮助人们缓解压力,提高抗压能力,从而更好地应对工作和生活中的挑战。
2. **专注力和效率**:通过性命双修中的静心练习,现代人可以提升专注力和工作效率,更加高效地完成任务,减少因分心和焦虑导致的效率低下。
### 增强生命力和活力
1. **增强免疫力**:性命双修强调通过规律的锻炼和调息练习来增强身体的免疫力,减少疾病的发生,提高整体的健康水平。
2. **延缓衰老**:通过养生和身心平衡,性命双修可以帮助延缓衰老过程,保持身体的活力和健康状态。
### 提升生活幸福感
1. **内心平静**:性命双修通过修养心性,使人们在面对生活中的各种困难和挑战时能够保持内心的平静和淡定,从而提升生活的幸福感。
2. **和谐人际关系**:性命双修提倡仁爱、宽容等美德,这有助于现代人在处理人际关系时更加和谐,减少矛盾和冲突,营造良好的社交环境。
### 实现个人成长
1. **自我认识**:通过性命双修,现代人可以更好地认识自我,了解自己的优点和不足,从而不断改进和完善自我。
2. **精神成长**:性命双修不仅关注身体的健康,更关注精神的成长和心灵的升华,这有助于现代人在物质丰富的同时,追求更高层次的精神满足。
### 社会和谐发展
1. **推动健康生活方式**:性命双修提倡健康、积极的生活方式,这有助于提高社会整体的健康水平,减少因疾病和亚健康状态带来的社会负担。
2. **促进社会和谐**:性命双修提倡仁爱、宽容、和谐的价值观,这有助于构建更加和谐的社会环境,减少社会矛盾和冲突。
Use it! Don't lose it! This is one of the most important tantric practices in tantric sexuality. First, I will briefly describe the differences between typical sex and tantric lovemaking. In mainstream sex, mainly only the man reaches peak orgasm. Then, whether we like or not, the sexual act ends because there is a big loss of energy. However in tantric love making we may make love for hours and then we might decide, "Wow… for now that's enough".
As a result we feel satisfied and energized as well. Now let's go step by step into more of the details: in typical sex the man is so keen to start the penetration that for him foreplay isn't necessary, he can start straight away. But maybe as a couple they read some books on sexuality or he heard from his woman that the female needs much more time to get ready. So, they do a bit of foreplay and, in an average of less than 10 minutes, move into penetration. For the woman, this is still not enough time for her yoni to be ready and leads to dissatisfaction, frustration, numbness, physical pain in her yoni, sexual trauma etc. For the man, he reaches the so-called "point of no return", the moment he cannot stop his ejaculation and has a so-called "peak orgasm" (for men specifically that is an ejaculatory orgasm). The man, through ejaculation, loses so much energy and then…. "What happens next?"- I always ask my students this and they usually know the answer: "He goes to sleep".
He is so tired that he usually says, "Darling I love you but now I have to go to sleep". He turns his back, and before she answers he is already snoring. I don't need to add that this leaves the woman in a very unsatisfied situation. It's a bit like the electricity went off, while you were enjoying the best, exciting scene in an action movie.
When the woman is lucky enough to achieve peak orgasm (the clitoral orgasm), she doesn't lose as much energy as a man does but usually enough that she loses her interest in continuing. This loss disables her from achieving higher orgasms which are very healing, liberating, energizing. That is why this basic way of tantric love-making that I have just explained has to be applied not only by the men but by the women as well. In tantric love-making, we let the woman decide when she would like to begin penetration. There are a few reasons for this but main ones are: First, that at least she will also experience some pleasure. Second, that her yoni will be ready for penetration which may result in a healing experience instead of a traumatizing one.
When penetration begins, excitement rises up quickly. Before we reach the point of no return, we perform the following 3 methods together: 1. Tightening the PC muscles 2. Breath 3. Visualization Notice that you use them all together (similar technique in sexual Tao is called "Microcosmic orbit") Re 1: PC muscles - for more information about it you may read the practical leaflet in the book, so I will keep it short and simple here with a quote from our leaflet: "…PC muscles: Training the PC muscles is one of the most simple but also most efficient and beneficial techniques that people can get from tantra. There are many health, physical, mental and sexual benefits from training those muscles. Next time when you go to the toilet, on every breath in, stop urinating.
Recognize clearly which muscles you use. Those are the PC muscles. When you know them, squeeze them and relax them 30 times, 3 times per day. Keep on practicing. As you will notice training the PC muscles is not visible to others and doesn't take all your attention, so it's perfect to do it in all possible situations (I'm doing it even while I'm writing this text :) I have bet people that, after 1 month training, they will be thankful for this information…and I haven't lost yet" :-) When tightening the PC muscles you shoot the energy up. Re 2: Breath. With each breath inhalation you suck the energy up. Also, notice that you may slow down your excitement and gain control when you slow down the breath. Re 3: Visualization. It's very true what they say, energy goes where attention flows.
That's why, we help the flow with our visualization. You may visualize energy as you like: green light ball, flame, snake, stream of light, ray etc. Together Re: 1+2+3 First you breathe in while tightening the PC muscles and visualize the energy going from your genitals through the back of the spine to the level of the heart (at the beginning of your practice). Second, on the exhale you relax your PC muscles and visualize the energy going down from your heart back to your genitals. You repeat this circle 5-7 times until you feel that the energy that was in your genitals (and was ready to explode through peak orgasm) is brought to the heart and you are no longer at the point of no return. Then you may continue with the penetration. Again and again, each time before you reach the point of no return (better too early than too late because otherwise it is game over and loss of energy happens),
you make 5-7 of those circles and you continue like that. After doing this 2-4 times you may feel that you experience higher states of ecstasy than in typical sex and you may go on like this as high as you like. As the time passes you (and especially your goddess) may feel like "wow". Then after feeling so much bliss, overwhelmed by sensations or maybe just noticing that it"s already morning and time to get up! .. Or because of the kids, to eat, etc.… together with your partner, you decide to finish your beautiful love-making. POINTERS One of the things tantra does is to guide you to be fully absorbed in the here and now with your lover and this beautiful energy of sharing love.
You may ask yourself: how I may achieve that state when I have to be busy with some complicated technique? Do you remember yourself, or your kids learning how to ride a bicycle? You had to be busy with your steering wheel, pedalling, keeping balance, looking up and not down at the feet… - so many complicated things at once. Only the childlike enthusiasm made you keep trying and falling many times. Do you ever have to think about all those things while you're cycling now? No. You may have an interesting conversation or study an audio book while you cycle and all those complicated things don't take anymore of your attention at all. I would like you to remember this example and to keep the enthusiasm of that child wanting to cycle when you are doing the tantric practice. To make it easier and less challenging, take your practice also out of your bedroom. Especially at the beginning, any scratch or shout of your goddess may push you over the edge, over the point of no return. A self-love practice would be safer and would help you to get comfortable with the energy and technique. You may train the PC muscles and the breath separately. Then after you get more familiar, you may combine them together and then apply the visualization. With practice, I'm sure, you will make this technique as part of your nature and you can fully enjoy your goddess(god). By the way, for women we highly recommend for the PC muscles, exercises with a yoni egg (you may buy it from us for a comparable and good price). Men are often asking me: When, then may I ejaculate? My answer is: as rarely as possible. Why lose your precious energy? Why lose the opportunity of experiencing higher realms of ecstasy just for, what we call it in tantric circles, the "sneezing" orgasm? Believe me, once you taste tantric love-making, you won't be interested in peak orgasms. However, when it happens, do not feel guilty or shameful. There is too much of this in human sexuality as it is. With tantra, we are healing from guilt and shame and we don't want to create more of it. But remember to keep your intention strong and clear. Especially at the beginning is good to go for a 49 day challenge. After such a period without a peak orgasm, your physical addiction from ejaculation ends. The hormones, which are so strong like in a heroin addicted person, stop being produced and you're free. Only your mental attachment could still be there but this, we remove by creating better, new experiences also in our workshops. A 49 day challenge, means that you do your best to avoid peak orgasm for 49 days while maintaining an active sexual life. Whenever it happens, without being annoyed with yourself, you just start counting the days again from beginning. Remember you are in the learning process and the patience with your mistakes and transferring them into opportunities to grow are very important aspects of tantra. Perseverance against all odds and keeping your intention strong and clear could be another good virtue to learn through that process. One more thing to mention that is good to realize is that for many reasons, 1 from 5 women (20% of female population) never or very rarely experience clitoral orgasm. For those women we exceptionally say go for it and enjoy it. We compare the peak orgasm to the higher ones like kindergarten to university (not even the basic school). For those 1 out of 5 women we say, go to kindergarten first, enjoy and explore. But don't stay there all your life or for too long when it's possible that you, like everyone without exception, may reach the more heightened tantric orgasms of university. Use it don't lose it :)

